EPTDA, The European Power Transmission Distributors Association is the largest pan-European organization of distributors and manufacturers of power transmission and motion control products. These power transmission and motion control products are found in countless of industrial, as well as every-day applications and devices. EPTDA also provides their members custom-designed business tools, targeted intelligence analyses and other global reports on a regular basis.
The EPTDA Annual Convention is a very important event where all members and non-members can experience the special combination of executive networking, inspiring education, business meetings, industry forum and social interaction.
The organization hosted another successful Annual Convention in Barcelona in September. We are very proud to announce that JTEKT has been awarded as the Best Promotor again the second time in a row. The award was handed out by EPTDA's (former) President and Treasurer Mrs Meister and is a recognition to a Member Company who has been the most active in promoting the EPTDA brand identity through their corporate website and other company collateral and communications.