Şirket Adı: | JTEKT Bearings Deutschland GmbH - Technical Center |
Ülke: | Germany |
Adres: | Werkstrasse 5, Halle-Westfalen |
Telefon: | +49 (0 52 017 070 |
Tip: | Technical center |
Profile |
Tip: | JTEKT Bearings Deutschland GmbH - Technical Center |
Isim: | Mr. Jürgen Jannaber |
Address |
Adres:: | Werkstrasse 5 |
Posta kodu: | D 33790 |
Şehir: | Halle-Westfalen |
Arazi: | Germany |
Telefon: | +49 (0 52 017 070 |
Fax: | +49 (0)52 017 07416 |
E-mail: | juergen.jannaber@jtekt.eu |
Info |
Ana Faaliyetlerimiz:: | Engineering of general needle bearings for the following applications; Automotive transmissions and accessories, Industrial machines and Consumer applications. |
Kalite Yönetimi: | ISO/TS 16949 v 2009 ISO 14001 v 2004 ISO 9001 v 2008 ILO OSH 2001 OHSAS 18001 v 2007 |
Toplam boyut: | 55.000 m2 |
Ofis: | 13.000 m2 |
1867 | Dürkoppwerke founded in Bielefeld |
1941 | Acquisition of the Künsebeck land area |
1943 | Completion of the manufacturing buildings |
1960 | Transferred bearings production from Bielefeld to Künsebeck |
1962 | FAG acquired Dürkopp-Werke AG |
1993 | Ingersoll Rand acquired the plant |
2001 | Transfer of solid race business to Olomouc |
2003 | Acquisition of Torrington by Timken |
2010 | Künsebeck plant became part of JTEKT Corporation |